Sunday, November 05, 2006


Let's see........A computer, no outlet, a car, a Gnoppix CD, a floppy with Turbo Pascal and Turbo C...a couple of AA batteries....hmmmm.......AH! I know a possible solution to this problem - a notebook or a laptop. I think a notebook, though; I carry way too much each day in my backpack. Let's see...ooh...Fujitsu LifeBook.....too expensive.....HP 200LX....nice, but still a bit pricey....Ah, NEC Mobilepro.....Windows CE, yuck! Wait, yes! The Fujitsu Poqet PC Plus! This place called California Digital still has a bunch of them for 159 bucks. Well, that's about as much as my entire life's savings ;) but still.... A PCMCIA slot, nice little keyboard, hmmmm... Maybe this will be a good choice.

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